What are your non-negotiables for living?

High performers know what they stand for and the person they want to be therefore are clear on what they are working towards, and the daily habits required to make their day great every single day.

We’ve recently looked at our ‘non-negotiables’ of must have habits in our day.

‘Non-negotiables’ refers to principles, standards, or conditions that are considered essential and cannot be compromised or negotiated. These are the core values, requirements, or boundaries that a High Performer is unwilling to change or compromise upon.

High-performance habits create energy, courage, fun, productive days, every day and therefore become the pillars of high-performance.

Here are my top 3 ‘non-negotiables’ in my daily routine which supports me as I work towards my goals.

1. Morning Routine

Getting up early is a must. No snoozing the alarm and I resist the urge to check in on our social media or emails.

Making your bed. Starting your day by completing a simple task like making your bed can give you a sense of accomplishment.

Plan your day. Before you switch onto the world think about what you would like to achieve.

2. Hydration

Drinking water and exchanging your morning cuppa for a drink of water. Adequate hydration is crucial for optimal brain function. Drinking water in the morning can help improve cognitive performance, concentration, and alertness throughout the day.

3. Exercise

Do whatever you enjoy but take action and pursue regular exercise.

Sometimes it hard to go to the gym but, make decisions based on what you should do and not what your emotions are telling you to do.

You know that you always feel better for exercising and it gives you more energy.

Here’s my challenge to YOU!

This weekend I want you think about what your ‘non-negotiables’ are…

What high performance habits are important for you and how can they become part of your week. These habits will bring you a great day, week and month that you deserve.

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